About Masonry

We are dedicated to making good men better.


Scholars believe Masonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons which built the castles and cathedrals of the middle ages. Four London Lodges formed England’s first Grand Lodge in 1717. Now, a Mason can find a welcoming Lodge in almost any country in the world. In North America, Lodges are found in almost every community.


North American Masons make considerable donations to charity on a daily basis. Assistance is available to all in most cases. The Shrine Masons network of pediatric specialty hospitals focus on orthopedic conditions, burn injuries, spinal cord rehabilitation, and cleft lip and palette repair. Scottish Rite Masons provide about 170 RiteCare clinics, and programs in operation or planned for treating childhood language disorders.

Individual Masonic Lodges may be involved in the following:

• Scholarship programs

• Children Identification Programs (facilitates recovery of lost children)

• Bikes for Books-a reading program where students earn points toward receiving a bicycle.

• “Hands-on efforts” providing home improvements for the financially or physically impaired and the elderly.


The purposes of The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Washington are summed up in the following adopted mission statement:

“Freemasonry in the State of Washington will be recognized as a relevant and respected fraternity committed to attracting and retaining all men of high quality who strive for self improvement and the opportunity to make a positive difference in their community.”


If you wish to join, you must ask for that privilege. Masons do not solicit members. You must be at least 18, believe in the existence of a supreme being, the immortality of the soul and have been a resident of Washington State for at least six months. However, the residency requirement is waived for sea-faring men, active members of the military and students who are residents of Washington and attend any college, school or university.

To become a Mason, ASK a Mason.